Deerfoot/Trussville/Clay/Pinson/ Springville
6840 Murray Drive Pinson, AL 35126

Oneonta/Blount County
401 2nd Avenue West Oneonta, AL 35121

Our Services

Digital X-Rays

Digital radiography offers the advantages of reduced radiation, clearer image feature for diagnosis, and less wait time for patients.

Digital Intraoral Scanning

Intraoral digital scanning improves your experience by eliminating the need for “goop and gag” impressions. They also produce accurate results the first time, reducing the time you spend in the dental chair.


Invisalign trays are invisible! They are completely clear so they don’t detract from your face or smile. This is an especially great option for adults and teens who want to live life without the brackets and wires associated with traditional braces.

Clear Braces

Clear braces are much less noticeable than traditional metal braces and offer an aesthetic alternative for patients seeking options other than traditional metal braces. Many patients who choose clear braces feel more confident about their orthodontic treatment, especially knowing that people are focusing on their smiles rather than their braces.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces have the same components as conventional braces, but they’re fixed to the back, or lingual, side of your teeth.  Because of this, lingual braces allow for a more discreet option for orthodontic patients not willing to wear traditional braces for a lengthy amount of time. 

Color Variety

Braces colors abound! The elastic bands that surround the metal or ceramic brackets are offered in a number of different colors, so you can choose the shade that’s right for you at each visit. Whether you want to complement your skin tone or get festive with your look, braces colors can be used to help you feel confident until your braces are ready to come off.

Contact Us

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Feel free to Call 205-749-1242 to schedule your free consultation at one of our convenient locations today!

Deerfoot/Trussville,/Clay/Pinson/ Springville
6840 Mu​rray Drive Clay, AL 35126

Oneonta/Blount County
401 2nd Avenue West Oneonta, AL 35121

You may also shoot us an e-mail at [email protected] and we will reply as soon as possible!